“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy & creativity. It is the source of hope, accountability & authenticity. - Brené Brown
What a beautiful description of all that can come from being vulnerable. When I think about being vulnerable, I often feel like I’m exposing myself and all my secrets. I’ve had fear around showing others what I perceive to be my weaknesses & further to that, I’m worried about the possible judgement I could face should it not be a shared thought or feeling. As I’ve said before, I have always enjoyed deep meaningful conversations with those around me but I’ve always held back some of my daily struggles; my thoughts and fears, the things that pull me down.
I always worried that if those around me knew my daily struggles that I would be seen as weak and not worthy of what I desired because I couldn’t push through and be strong. I want to be seen as passionate, dedicated, smart, committed, dependable and strong. When I look at other peoples lives, I see people keeping up with the daily grind, crushing that to-do list, getting it all done while still having time for the fun trips, social visits and passion projects. I find myself playing the comparison game where my inner critic tells me if you were stronger, cried less, and just toughened up, I wouldn't feel so “behind”. My anxiety causes me to discredit all my own wins, my gifts and personal path.
Having anxiety and being strongly connected with my emotions has always felt like a curse and my weakness. The narrative that runs in my head is that strong people don't cry, they pick themselves up and carry on. By opening up and being vulnerable, I've come to realize that I have a gift and if I can learn to honor it and not feel shame towards it, I can start living at my full potential.
Therapy has helped me debunk many of my fears around weakness, vulnerability, personal strength and worthiness. Once I started talking about what holds me back, I was able to start working towards my growth. In my sessions I never feel judged or less than. I've been shown that it's okay to need help, to not work at the same pace as those around me and that we all heal at our own rate.
Outside of therapy, I’ve started being vocal about what I feel, think and experience on my social media and in conversations with others. I've started to find connections with others, realizing that so many people that I've perceived to be having it all together, also suffer from negative self-talk and lack of self-love or self-worth; everyone has their own insecurities and worries they carry with them. My vulnerability is a gift for others because I'm creating a space of messy, imperfection and authenticity that allows others to feel safe to be themselves too.
My vulnerability has led me to many new people and experiences I never imagined were in my future. My openness is allowing me to build a new foundation, supported with like minded people who want to see me grow and reach my fullest potential. Now that I am learning to embrace my emotions as gifts and stop hiding them from the world, the magic is unfolding. Vulnerability is leading me to my purpose.
Never hide who you are, let your magical, unique qualities shine. Come out from the shadows and start finding the people who will build you up and love you unconditionally.
You deserve it.
You are worth it.
So, lets keep the dialogue going & embrace each others unique qualities & gifts.
Xo Dee
Always love to hear your thoughts because they are often my thoughts too and it’s nice to hear them from someone else! Makes me feel more normal lol